Sunday, December 18, 2011
Virus trap technology
PRAGUE (December 18th, 2011): Azacycles introduced realized model of the Virus Trap technology concept. It represents quite new approach for designing of antiviral agents or antiviral drugs. The Virus Trap technology is unique for its entire independecy on surface epitopes of viruses therefore objectives of this technology will be RNA viruses as well as DNA viruses of all classes. The concept should be help in human medicine to solve such difficult questions as rare Ebola virus disease (EVD) or Marburg virus disease (MVD) as well as in warfare with HIV. By information of Simon Cihelnik (CEO), in next three years Azacycles is going to change the concept and such modified technology apply in area of bacterial diseases' therapy. The technology is based on Azacycles Nanobot technology 1nd generation outgoings. Mr. Cihelnik says: "Our nanobot technology in its first generation is able to provide excellent matrix of the antiviral, but only second generation, which is in state of its building, will allow to build antiviral nanobot in whole wide of our company's aim".
virus trap